About 🦄✨

Meet the girl behind the spells….

Who is Spellerella? 🧜‍♀️✨

She is Enchanting and Mysterious… Dramatic and Intense… Spiritual and Expressive…Elusive… Enigmatic… Mercurial…and a little Innocent.

Above all she is the very essence of the Esoteric Girl.

She’s a dancing intellectual, creative word painter, hopeless retrospector and speculator. She loves music, art, and literature and is obsessed with Nature and energy. She steers clear of individuals who are a vexation to her spirit and  she avoids contact with the spiritually dead- the empty, closed, unenlightened ones.  Spellerella believes in Angels, and she strives to complete at least one good deed each day– because we all need to BE the change we want to see in the world. Spellerella is mysterious, alluring and sweet…with an unforgettable, magnetic personality and a very sexy voice. :)…Some say that she is a tragic and hopeless romantic…and complain about her being too expressive and intense.. but she paints with words and considers herself above all a Beautiful Dreamer… She sees the world and everything in it as a delight- an incredible gift to discover and explore…

Spellerella will never surrender her thirst for knowledge and enlightenment.. She is an academic and a scholar who loves language and literature and creating life with words… Some say Spellerella is crazy! …and she’s been accused of being over-dramatic, but her half Italian and half French heritage is the perfectly romantic and viable excuse!

Dare to know the last unicorn? Spellerella loves making new friends and she is loyal and committed to those who are close to her heart. She firmly believes that what you send out to the world will come back to you in true force and power times 3, so she strives to find the positive in all things–to dwell in the possibilities and to turn negative outcomes into opportunities… to face change head on without fear and to smile and sing while others try to crush her spirit.

We are so very blessed to be here. We must make the most of each and every moment and love with reckless abandon.


This is ME.
This is who I am.

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