Dancing Intellectual


Floating through time and space,

Like a feather lost in wake and in Dreams,

I, the imaginary, beautiful, almost ballerina make the dark days sing;

Floating, dancing, flawlessly between the music, and the words,

Living the artist’s way;

Spinning Love and Magick and Truth with reckless abandon…

Defying Fate and fabricating my Faith to fool even my own disbelief;

Embracing with Grace all that I face,

Desperately trying to treasure one moment- The Moment.

But moments and treasures are rare;

And Time holds the key to my steps…

And what is a step? but a part of the Dream?

Which the Dancer controls through her Art;

Twirling, leaping, bending, spinning, screaming, falling, down-

Perfecting the story- she dances stubbornly on,

Escaping all rhyme or reason,

She keeps her eyes closed, and her heart focused on the stage;

Believing nothing-

And re-becoming the Dancing Intellectual she’s always been.





Earth Water Sky Shadow Fire


Pink Sunset

An esoteric girl sits in melancholy solitaire

Her long, soft, dark hair

Draped dramatically over her shoulder,
Disappearing into her dark sweater
Obscured almost entirely
By the dark shadows of the forest
Its lush green floor, swallowing up her feet.

Behind her, is an explosion,
Of pink,-yellow-purple hues
They blend themselves expertly
Into a flawless portrait of a celestial sky.
These blazing lights from above
Produce infinite, miniscule flames
That dance on the water’s surface.
Meandering endless, wild fire,
Coming to a halting stop

Divided by the dark, ominous forest,
And the definite dark, line of the edge of the earth.
In silhouette she stares,
Her stature frozen;
To hear the sound of silence-
To watch for her dream.

–Stephanie Diane Labbate


My Secret Powers

Thoughts are things. What you think about you bring about- it manifests in your life. Call it Serendipity. Call it Providence. But speak it- write it- think it- dream it- and baby believe it, because the universe will bring the people, places and things you need to make it happen faster than you can realize it has arrived. It’s not a day dream if it becomes your Life. And it’s never too late to be what you might have been. So don’t hide your skeletons, invite them to the party and make them all dance.

Roses In December

“Do not be ashamed to weep; ’tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers and trees and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.”

-For everyone who understands loss, but cannot forget; I say to you ferverently, “t’is really better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.’ And although we may succumb to the end of all things, our greatest power is that all love lives on through words- making it impossible to cease a memory- and perfectly possible to erase the webs in our museum of grief and re-paint the picture full of happy moments… Afterall, “God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December…”

The Heart of An Angel

1934961_95017295608_2058603_nWorry about your character, not your reputation because your character is who you are & your reputation is what people think you are. Cling to your imperfections… They’re what makes you unique. It’s better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not. When you judge someone it doesn’t define who they are it defines who you are. I never apologize for saying what I feel. That’s like saying sorry for being real. “This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it.” Forget what you heard, recognize what you see. I know you heard the rumors… now here’s the real me. People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they can’t hide their personality. LOVE IS NOT A WEAPON BUT WORDS ARE and they leave bullet holes and bleed dry the best hearts… even the heart of an angel.


I Am Who I Am


I could no sooner change the way I am than I could cease to breathe.
I am a brilliant, enchanting, intense, mysterious, expressive, spiritual, creative, innocent, darling, treasure of a girl who has terrible trouble being direct and has a wicked, frustrating, time-honoured tendancy to over-analyze everything in her life. I never pretend to understand what it is that makes me amusing to others– I do not know any other way to BE, and I would rather live alone inside my confusing, romantic little world than succumb to being ORDINARY. No one will put out the light in me. Someday, when I find my voice, the world will understand me. Until then, I love every moment of this ME, this AM, this WHO I was always meant to BE.



Alone in the dark for so long!
Careful to never show my heart to You or anyone who knew You
I walked down every path of my own making
I turned from the light and from Your awesome love.
My heart was filled with terrible fear-
I saw You and heard You inside my dreams.
I cowered behind the lies I told myself were Truth.
I lived outside of Faith-
I drugged myself into heavy sleep..
I was -blind-deaf-dumb.
I suffered, doubted, questioned, and cried out in Despair!
And then you sent an angel into my life–
You coaxed me from the dark!
You challenged me to sift through the ashes
To piece together the scattered remnants of my Faith
And there, underneath much madness and disarray,
A sparkle, a glint, of next to nothingness,
I saw there was some HOPE!
And now it lives in me, it grows, as do You!
Filling up my heart with joy.
Though there must be many angels in our Father’s Heaven,
Yours gave an unexpected gift to me–
A second chance to walk with You
And footprints on my heart.
